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Overcoming Sales Objections

1 Day


Experiencing a sales objection can be disheartening. However, overcoming sales objections is an essential part of the sales process, as it will open up a whole new set of opportunities. It will produce new sales and provide an on-going relationship with new clients. Objections will always occur no matter the item being sold or presented.

Through this course your participants will learn how to overcome objections and persevere through to get that sale. Even the best quality services or items can be turned down, and learning how to overcome these denials will be of great benefit.

Programme Objectives:

  • Understand the factors that contribute to customer objections.
  • Define different objections.
  • Recognise different strategies to overcome objections.
  • Identify the real objections.
  • Find points of interest.
  • Learn how to deflate objections and close the sale.

Method and Approach

This programme will involve the use of slides, handout material, work manual with all instructor notes and slides, examples of best practice, appropriate videos and appropriate video material.

The use of flip-charts, syndicate workshops and reporting back sessions will encourage a fully participative and enjoyable event. Delegates will be encouraged to participate actively in relating previous work experiences.

Who Should Attend

This course is ideal for anyone involved in sales of products or services offered either internally or externally to the company. The course will particularly benefit those actively involved in sales and marketing roles.

Course Content

This one-day course will cover the following subjects:

Module One: Getting Started

  • Introduction to the course
  • Workshop Objectives
  • Action Plans and Evaluation Forms

Module Two: Three Main Factors

  • Skepticism
  • Misunderstanding
  • Stalling
  • Module Two: Review Questions

Module Three: Seeing Objections as Opportunities

  • Translating the Objection to a Question
  • Translating the Objection to a Reason to Buy
  • Case Study
  • Module Three: Review Questions

Module Four: Getting to the Bottom

  • Asking Appropriate Questions
  • Common Objections
  • Basic Strategies
  • Case Study
  • Module Four: Review Questions

Module Five: Finding a Point of Agreement

  • Outlining Features and Benefits
  • Identifying Your Unique Selling Position
  • Agreeing with the Objection to Make the Sale
  • Case Study
  • Module Five: Review Questions

Module Six: Have the Client Answer Their Own Objection

  • Understand the Problem
  • Render It Unobjectionable
  • Case Study
  • Module Six: Review Questions

Module Seven: Deflating Objections

  • Bring up Common Objections First
  • The Inner Workings of Objections
  • Case Study
  • Module Seven: Review Questions

Module Eight: Unvoiced Objections

  • How to Dig up the “Real Reason”
  • Bringing Their Objections to Light
  • Case Study
  • Module Eight: Review Questions

Module Nine: The Five Steps

  • Expect Them
  • Welcome Them
  • Affirm Them
  • Complete Answers
  • Compensating Benefits
  • Module Nine: Review Questions

Module Ten: Dos and Don’ts

  • Dos
  • Don’ts
  • Module Ten: Review Questions

Module Eleven: Sealing the Deal

  • Understanding When It’s Time to Close
  • Powerful Closing Techniques
  • The Power of Reassurance
  • Things to Remember
  • Module Eleven: Review Questions

Module Twelve: Wrapping Up

  • Words from the Wise
  • Lessons Learned
  • Completion of Action Plans and Evaluations
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