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Lean Process And Six Sigma

1 Day


Six Sigma is a data-driven approach for eliminating defects and waste in a business process. You can compare Six Sigma with turning your water faucet and experiencing the flow of clean, clear water. Reliable systems are in place to purify, treat, and pressure the water through the faucet. That is what Six Sigma does to a business: it treats the processes in business so that they deliver their intended result.

Our Lean Process And Six Sigma workshop will provide an introduction to this way of thinking that has changed so many corporations in the world. This workshop will give participants an overview of the Six Sigma methodology, and some of the tools required to deploy Six Sigma in their own organisations.

Programme Objectives:

  • Develop a 360 degree view of Six Sigma and how it can be implemented in any organisation
  • Identify the fundamentals of lean manufacturing, lean enterprise, and lean principles
  • Describe the key dimensions of quality – product features and freedom from deficiencies
  • Develop attributes and value according to the Kano Model
  • Understand how products and services that have the right features and are free from deficiencies can promote customer satisfaction and attract and retain new customers
  • Describe what is required to regulate a process
  • Give examples of how poor quality affects operating expenses in the areas of appraisal, inspection costs, internal failure costs, and external failure costs
  • Using basic techniques such as DMAIC and how to identify Six Sigma Projects
  • Use specific criteria to evaluate a project
  • Discover root causes of a problem

Method and Approach

This programme will involve the use of slides, handout material, work manual with all instructor notes and slides, examples of best practice, appropriate videos and appropriate video material.

The use of flip-charts, syndicate workshops and reporting back sessions will encourage a fully participative and enjoyable event. Delegates will be encouraged to participate actively in relating previous work experiences.

Who Should Attend

This workshop is targeted at executives, team members, managers, supervisors and other individuals who need an understanding of Lean Process and Six Sigma.

Course Content

This one-day workshop will cover the following subjects:

Module One: Getting Started

  • Introduction to the course
  • Workshop Objectives

Module Two: Understanding Lean

  • About Six Sigma
  • About Lean
  • History behind Lean
  • Toyota Production Systems
  • The Toyota Precepts

Module Three: Liker’s Toyota Way

  • Philosophy
  • Process
  • People and Partners
  • Problem Solving

Module Four: The TPS House

  • The Goals of TPS
  • The First Pillar: Just In Time (JIT)
  • The Second Pillar: Jidoka (Error-Free Production)
  • Kaizen (Continuous improvement)
  • The Foundation of the House

Module Five: The Five Principles of Lean Business

  • Value
  • Value Stream
  • Flow
  • Pull
  • Seek Perfection

Module Six: The First Improvement Concept (Value)

  • Basic Characteristics
  • Satisfiers
  • Delighters
  • Applying the Kano Model

Module Seven: The Second Improvement Concept (Waste)

  • Muda
  • Mura
  • Muri
  • The New Wastes

Module Eight: The Third Improvement Concept (Variation)

  • Common Cause
  • Special Cause
  • Tampering
  • Structural

Module Nine: The Fourth Improvement Concept (Complexity)

  • What is complexity?
  • What causes complexity?
  • How to Simplify?

Module Ten: The Fifth Improvement Concept (Continuous improvement)

  • The PDSA Cycle (Plan, Do, Study, Act)
  • The DMAIC Method

Module Eleven: The Improvement Toolkit

  • Gemba
  • Genchi Genbutsu
  • Womack’s Principle
  • Kaizen
  • A Roadmap for implementation

Module Twelve: Wrapping Up

  • Words from the Wise
  • Lessons Learned
  • Completion of Action Plans and Evaluations
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