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Customer Service

1 Day


Maybe you’re on the front line of a company, serving the people who buy your products. Perhaps you’re an accountant, serving the employees by producing their pay cheques and keeping the company running. Or maybe you’re a company owner, serving your staff and your customers. Each and every one of us serves customers, whether we realise it or not.

This Customer Service workshop will look at all types of customers and how we can serve them better and improve ourselves in the process. You will learn skillsets including in-person and over the phone techniques, dealing with difficult customers and generating return business.

Programme Objectives:

  • State what customer service means in relation to all your customers, both internal and external
  • Recognize how your attitude affects customer service
  • Identify your customers’ needs
  • Use outstanding customer service to generate return business
  • Build good will through in-person customer service
  • Provide outstanding customer service over the phone
  • Connect with customers through online tools
  • Deal with difficult customers

Method and Approach

This programme will involve the use of slides, handout material, work manual with all instructor notes and slides, examples of best practice, appropriate videos and appropriate video material.

The use of flip-charts, syndicate workshops and reporting back sessions will encourage a fully participative and enjoyable event. Delegates will be encouraged to participate actively in relating previous work experiences.

Who Should Attend

This course will benefit anyone whose job roles involves dealing with internal or external clients. The course will be of particular benefit to front-line personnel, such as sales, marketing and telesales.

Course Content

This one day course will cover the following subjects:

Module One: Getting Started

  • Introduction to the course
  • Workshop Objectives

Module Two: Who We Are and What We Do

  • Who Are Customers? (internal/external)
  • What is Customer Service?
  • Who Are Customer Service Providers?

Module Three: Establishing Your Attitude

  • Appearance Counts!
  • The Power of a Smile
  • Staying Energised
  • Staying Positive

Module Four: Identifying and Addressing Their Needs

  • Understanding the Customer’s Problem
  • Staying Outside the Box
  • Meeting Basic Needs
  • Going the Extra Mile

Module Five: Generating Return Business

  • Following Up
  • Addressing Complaints
  • Turning Difficult Customers Around

Module Six: In-Person Customer Service

  • Dealing With At-Your-Desk Requests
  • The Advantages and Disadvantages of In-Person Communication
  • Using Body Language to Your Advantage

Module Seven: Giving Customer Service over the Phone

  • The Advantages and Disadvantages of Telephone Communication
  • Telephone Etiquette
  • Tips and Tricks

Module Eight: Providing Electronic Customer Service

  • The Advantages and Disadvantages of Electronic Communication
  • Understanding Netiquette
  • Tips and Tricks
  • Examples: Chat or e-mail

Module Nine: Recovering Difficult Customers

  • De-Escalating Anger
  • Establishing Common Ground
  • Setting Your Limits
  • Managing Your Own Emotions

Module Ten: Understanding When to Escalate

  • Dealing with Vulgarity
  • Coping with Insults
  • Dealing with Legal and Physical Threats

Module Eleven: Ten Things You Can Do To WOW Every Time

  • Ten Tips

Module Twelve: Wrapping Up

  • Words from the Wise
  • Lessons Learned
  • Completion of Action Plans and Evaluations
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