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Middle Manager

1 Day


Traditionally, middle managers make up the largest managerial layer in an organisation. The Middle Manager is responsible to those above them and those below them. They head a variety of departments and projects. In order for a company to operate smoothly, it is essential that those in middle management be committed to the goals and objectives of the organisation and understands how to effectively execute these goals.

It is crucial for businesses to focus on these essential managers and provide them with the opportunities to succeed. No matter the organisation’s structure or size, it will benefit from employing well-trained middle managers. Having a middle manager understand their role in the organisation is very important. They are in communication with a very large percentage of the company, and will have a large impact throughout the organisation.

Programme Objectives:

  • Define management
  • Understand ethics in the workplace
  • Manage information and make decisions
  • Be familiar with the control process
  • Use organizational strategies to facilitate change
  • Create structures and processes to manage teams
  • Manage as a leader

Method and Approach

This programme will involve the use of slides, handout material, work manual with all instructor notes and slides, examples of best practice, appropriate videos and appropriate video material.

The use of flip-charts, syndicate workshops and reporting back sessions will encourage a fully participative and enjoyable event. Delegates will be encouraged to participate actively in relating previous work experiences.

Who Should Attend

All middle managers, aspiring managers, team leaders and supervisors

Course Content

This one-day workshop will cover the following subjects:

Module One: Getting Started

  • Introduction to the course
  • Workshop Objectives

Module Two: Introduction to Management

  • What is Management?
  • What Do Mangers Do?
  • What Does It Take to Be a Manager?
  • Why Does Management Matter?

Module Three: Ethics and Social Responsibility

  • What is Ethical Workplace Behaviour?
  • What is Unethical Workplace Behaviour?
  • How to Make Ethical Decisions
  • What is Social Responsibility?

Module Four: Managing Information

  • Why Information Matters
  • Strategic Importance of Information
  • Characteristics and Costs of Useful Information
  • Getting and Sharing Information

Module Five: Decision-Making

  • What is Rational Decision-Making?
  • Steps to Rational Decision-Making
  • Limits to Rational Decision-Making
  • Improving Decision-Making

Module Six: Control Basics of Control

  • The Control Process
  • Is Control Necessary or Possible?
  • How and What to Control
  • Control Methods

Module Seven: Organisational Strategy

  • Basics of Organizational Strategy
  • Sustainable Competitive Advantage
  • Strategy-Making Process
  • Corporate, Industry, Firm Level Strategies

Module Eight: Innovation and Change

  • Organisational Innovation
  • Why Innovation Matters
  • Managing Innovation
  • Organisational Change
  • Why Change Occurs and Why it Matters
  • Managing Change

Module Nine: Organizational Structures and Process

  • Departmentalisation
  • Organisational Authority
  • Job Design
  • Designing Organisational Process

Module Ten: Managing Teams

  • The Good and the Bad of Using Teams
  • Kinds of Teams
  • Work Team Characteristics
  • Enhancing Work Team Effectiveness


Module Eleven: Motivation and Leadership

  • Basics of Motivation
  • Equity Theory
  • Expectancy Theory
  • What is Leadership?
  • Situational Leadership
  • Strategic Leadership


Module Twelve: Wrapping Up

  • Words from the Wise
  • Lessons Learned
  • Completion of Action Plans and Evaluations
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